Industries Management Research Hub: Six creative entrepreneurs talk about their experiences setting up and running their own businesses
The discussion ranged around a variety of issues covering the pain and pleasure of running your own enterprise. They outlined the absurd meetings they have had to attend with investors; each had different approaches to social media; they reinforced how important networking in all sorts of different ways. We examined the level of involvement of investors and the importance of advice. There was also a consideration given to the level of experience they had before they went it alone as well as the particular issues women entrepreneurs can face. However it was clear that while they all have faced challenges, they also enjoy the creativity of their businesses and particularly the fact they are working with great people.
This event required participation from the audience! This zine refects some of the responses of the student audience to each of the entrepreneurs. Students were put into groups and each group was responsible for talking to an entrepreneur in a breakout session between the two panels.